County Board Letter Against F35s

Hmmm, a letter, but not a resolution. I wonder who will all sign on? Sounds like they don’t want to bring an action before the board and be forced to listen to people impacted by this.

Thank you to Alder Rusk and others who have been working on this!  When I say “they” I mean the “powers that be” in the county, not those who sign on!  I’m real curious to see who does!

From County board staff:

Supv. Rusk asked me to forward the attached letter in opposition of the F35 aircraft being sited at Truax Field. Paul will have the letter at the Board meeting tomorrow evening if you are interested in signing it.

September 19, 2019
Mr. Matthew Donovan
Acting Secretary of the Air Force
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20330-1670

Dear Acting Secretary Donovan:
In light of the disturbing information regarding noise impacts and environmental racism detailed in the recently released Environmental Impact Statement, we write in opposition to stationing the new F-35 Lightning Il to the Wisconsin 115 th Fighter Wing at Truax Air National Guard Base, in the city of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. We believe these aircraft are simply incompatible with urban, residential land uses. We write with urgency to meet the September 27 th deadline for public comment on the proposed siting.

The proposed squadron of F-35A fighter jets at Truax Field would worsen not only existing noise impacts, but also environmental racism as documented in the EIS report:  “There would be significant disproportionate impacts to low-income and minority populations as well as children. The increase in noise exposure near the airport would disproportionately impact low-income areas and the increase in noise exposure would disproportionately impact a low-income minority population.” Nearly every impacted area within the City of Madison belongs to a census tract with rates of persons of color, as well as poverty rates, well above the city- and county-wide averages.

The proposed squadron could also disproportionately impact children and vulnerable populations. The 65 dB Day Night Average Sound Level (DNL) noise standard used by the EIS does not account for the adverse impacts of noise, including additional stress, sleep disturbance, and a reduction in the educational performance of children.

There is no guarantee the Air Force or other federal agency will provide for noise abatement or the purchase of residences or schools significantly impacted by the aircraft, with estimated costs to the Dane County Regional Airport for noise abatement measures being in the millions of dollars.

Additionally, the F35 aircraft would increase CO2 equivalent emissions in the area. The Draft EIS states that the annual airfield CO2 equivalent emissions would increase by approximately 12,478 tons or 135 percent, equivalent to adding 2,438 more passenger vehicles onto roads, driving 11,500 miles per year on average.

Supporting policies and practices that increase inequities is in direct conflict with the Dane County Board’s strong commitment to equity. Therefore, we, the undersigned members of the Dane County Board of Supervisors, oppose the location of the proposed squadron of F-35A fighter jets at Truax Field.



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