Compton and Konkel Together – Also Trouble

Um . . . two in one day? First I agree with Brandon, now Compton? And two different papers reporting these two different agreements?

This can’t be. This doesn’t fit the frame people try to place me in. I’m supposed to be the person no one can get along with. Next, ya think I can get the Mayor to agree with me on something and then a reporter will report it? The whole world will be upside down!

You can tell the news is slow and they are struggling to find things to write about since the council isn’t doing much these days. Typically, the reporters report on disagreements. A typical council agenda can have 200 items on it, and we only discuss ten. And two get written about. That’s 1/100th of what we do. So, the 99/100ths of the time that we all agree are ignored and the public doesn’t hear about them.

It’s not the reporters fault, its the editors. They want the dirt. They want the fights and the drama. That’s what sells newspapers. And so, some of us who open our mouths to disagree with others and are passionate about it, make more news and it ends up appearing that all we do is disagree with people. The perception then becomes reality, and people start expecting disagreement or assuming you will disagree.

Fortunately, those who stick around for a while, learn something completely different. There are many more incidents of agreement than disagreement. Nice to see the papers reporting some of the “good” news. Yes, that was a compliment for the media. Happy Friday!


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