Cleaning Up After the Melt . . .

It’s been a long ugly ride . . . I hope I never have to go back to Token Creek again! It was great to leave knowing that even tho the county told us not to clean up – we did – check it out!

So, when Occupy Madison and the homeless persons who were forced off Lake View Hill and to Token Creek into the middle of nowhere to most of us, we cleaned the best we could. We removed everything that was not frozen, due to the rains, melting and freezing . . . .this is what it looked like when we left.

Even the salt was frozen . . .
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And Meg demonstrating the challenges we faced.

We offered to help the county clean up the park, knowing there were a lot of things that got frozen to the ground but the parks department told us this:

• Site cleanup – no further cleanup of the site is requested. The sites will most likely need to be completely refurbished

Are they smoking crack? We couldn’t leave everything like that! (And, it doesn’t need to be completely refurbished, as you will see)

When the snow melted, it looked like this.

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So, Sunday, we went back and cleaned up! Some things were still frozen to the ground and some of the guys chopped quite a bit of ice – we got everything out except the kitchen tent.

Many thanks to the 25 volunteers who showed up to help!2013-04-07 12.10.50

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I’m so glad this abomination is over!  Now, SAY IT WITH ME . . . if only there were a legal place to go . . .


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