City Redistricting

Info that would be good for tomorrow’s hearing – how our maps are impacted by the Republican plan. From city staff, thanks Brian!

Public Hearing Tomorrow on State’s Proposed Redistricting Maps and Legislation
This link has info on the State’s public hearing tomorrow on their proposed redistricting maps and proposed redistricting legislation.

State’s Proposed Assembly/Senate Districts
I have attached a map that overlays the State’s proposed Assembly Districts over the City’s Ward Plan 14b (14b includes the changes the Redistricting Committee made to incorporate the County’s tentative plan). There are six areas where the State’s proposed plan would require us to change our wards or aldermanic districts or create a new ward. It looks like creating a new ward would be the best situation in all or almost all cases, because changing our wards would result in people not voting at a convenient polling place and changing our aldermanic districts would result in us not meeting our population targets or splitting a neighborhood association.

I’ve highlighted these six areas in blue on the attached map. Staff is checking some numbers…it might be possible to make two small changes to the State’s plan to negate having to create two of these six new wards while still meeting the State’s population targets. Staff will verify and provide this information to the State.

June 22 City Redistricting Committee meeting minutes

Here are the draft minutes from our June 22 Redistricting Committee meeting.

Upcoming Meetings
-July 19, Common Council public hearing on the ward plan, list of polling places and aldermanic districts. Public hearing notice is attached.

-July 27, Redistricting Committee meeting

-August 2, Common Council adopt ward plan, list of polling places and aldermanic districts

Sorry, the map is cutting off and I don’t know why and don’t know how to fix it . . . and don’t have time to figure it out. If you really want it, I can email it to you.


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