City Not Doing Enough to Stop Discriminatory Practices of Bars

I’m disappointed, but with a little attention to this issue, maybe we can get them to do the right thing.

Here’s my perspective.

ALRC is fully aware that bars have had a list of things they do to limit people of color in bars (dress codes, limiting hip hop music, etc and now student only events and id policies). Yes, Jack Craver is right, and the ALRC acknowledged it. It blows my mind that they haven’t done anything about it if they are so aware of it. However, they had a long conversation at their last meeting and will have it on their next agenda to keep it in the sunlight (Thanks Alan Arntsen and Mike Verveer). They also talked about having alders and the mayor meet with the staff and kicking this to the EOC to address and give them advice. I blogged it all here.

The police, who seemed to encourage these policies were not at the meeting the mayor held? Say what? Without the police there, nothing will be resolved as they continue to meet with bars and not address these issues. I suspect they need education about public accommodations and discrimination. I suspect that they can come up with some non-discriminatory ways to address the issues that they have. But if they are not at the table, what is the point?

I was really disappointed by the report Mark Woulf gave the EOC. He neglected to mention that ALRC asked EOC to look into this because they are the experts. He neglected to tell them the police were not at the table at the Mayor’s meeting. And, all the staff meeting resulted in is a letter, that the EOC has to encourage them to word stronger and adding this to their training which is poorly attended. I hope to blog that meeting, but not sure I will get to it. Badger Herald wrote an article about it. Luckily, the EOC put this on their next agenda.

What can you do if you care about these issues?
1. Join us tonight at 6:00 at the Neighborhood House (29 S. Mills St) to discuss these issues.
2. Join the facebook group.
3. Attend the next ALRC meeting and tell your stories/experiences. (They usually meet the 3rd Wednesday, but I think they moved the meeting up and that they are meeting next week Wednesday at 5:30 in room 201 of the City-County Building – 210 Martin Luther King Blvd.)
4. Attend the next EOC meeting and tell your stories/experiences. (Next week Thursday at 5:00 in LL120 in the Municipal Building – 215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd)
5. Email your alder ( and ask what they are doing to follow up on the R Place discussion they had (many promised to follow up on it because there are no black bars) and when we will have a public discussion about issues of race and bar/police policies.


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