City Council: Over Budget

We got the following email from the Council Office Staff today . . . how embarrassing . . .

The 2006 Common Council budget contains $565 for cab delivery of aldermanic mail.

As of 7/24/06 we are have spent $750 on cab delivery from January – June 2006. $150 over our budget for delivery service.

We will no longer be able to provide cab delivery of aldermanic mail starting this Friday, July 28. Please let Debbie know if you plan on:

1. Picking up your mail in the office
2. Request that your mail be mailed via USPS

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Yup, that issue, again.

Who are the spendthrifts on the council you might ask . . . Info we were recently given (tho already out of date) at the July CCOC meeting indicated that the following folks had spent as follows:

Sanborn $-
Konkel $-
Cnare $48.89
Verveer $-
Webber $8.25
Olson $-
Brandon $-
King $-
Skidmore $78.43
Golden $8.15
Gruber $-
Benford $-
Knox $-
Bruer $188.43
Palm $-
Compton $48.89
Rosas $98.39
Van Rooy $22.75
Radomski $-
Thomas $59.28

In their defense . . . we all get a “$600 Account” for expenses . . . but somehow, it hardly seems fair that if you spend the money first, you get to spend it where you’d like, but once the council as a whole goes over, you can’t spend the money. In other words, if you cab only one thing, but do it in September, you’ll be prevented from doing it since others have already spent the money. There’s gotta be a better way to do this . . .


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