Chewing Tobacco and Cigar Bars . . .

I took a quick look at Verveer’s proposed ordinance last night, sorry, its not on-line yet . . . I can support the part of the ordinance that allows “chewing” and “spitting” of tobacco products . . . but I’m wondering, why can’t you “swallow” or “snort” or “ingest” . . . not that I know anyone who would want to or want anyone to . . . but . . . to me, this was all about clean indoor air and worker health, and what individuals choose to do to themselves with tobacco is their own business/problem . . . if it isn’t effecting the worker health and indoor air, I don’t think we should be regulating it.

As far as the cigar bar exemption. Smoke . . . is smoke. It still effects the worker’s health. Additionally, I don’t understand why we would allow this unlevel playing field and give the competitive advantage to one or two bar owners. Additionally, I am aware that some of the proposed ordinance supporters want to allow cigarette smoking in the cigar bars, if this is about a business plan that is built around cigars, why do they need to smoke cigarettes too?

Here we go again . . .


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