When did this happen?

I was reading the Wisconsin State Journal the other day . . . I know, I know . . . but its not...

Manufactured News

It's not just the WSJ that makes things up. With the WSJ, they can't seem to get basic facts straight. Other times,...

This Side of Town, the TV Version

Well, I survived my first taping, learned a lot, got over my nervousnesss and am thinking about continuing, but now its time for you...

WSJ: Unprincipled Editorials

The Wisconsin State Journal's latest editorial on Inclusionary Zoning points out how comical the Wisconsin State Journal's editorials are. I'll respond...

Wisconsin State Journal Editorial

In regards to  this editorial, I sent the following letter: I just wanted to let you know that with today's ridiculous editorial, If the...

Cap Times . . . Progressive Risk Takers.

Since I'm home with a head ache and uber-sore throat after coughing (and not sleeping) all night you get the obligatory comment on the...

A dailypage comment: Is this news?

I had a somewhat odd experience with thedailypage.com forum, channel 27, Mike Hanson, the democratic party, the Mitch Henck show and the Vicky McKenna...