Serious Crime or Quality of Life

The Isthmus has reported on how the police a going to crack down on the west side, and included the letter the police department...

Crime Snapshot

These two graphs from the Madison Police Department speak volumes about the reality of crime rates in Madison.Population Growth in the City of MadisonNumber...

Thursday Round Up

Thursday round up, round two this week. I'm not sure if it is lazy blogging or just still too much to blog about....

The Cost of 30 Police Officers.

At the last council meeting, we stopped crime in Madison. Well, not really. We passed two ordinances, one that would stop new...

Mayor’s State of the City

Do you see yourself being helped by what he lays out in his "speech"? Does this sound like the direction you want your...

Who’s Crime is More Important?

As a northside meeting about a specific apartment building nushroomed into a meeting about Northside Crime, similar to the one recently help on the...

When does 1.9 = 2.4?

When you are the City of Madison police department. Ok - you asked for it. Several people asked me, "why isn't that on...

Just the Facts Ma’am! Westside Police Calls Going . . . Down?

Could it be true, are reported (and responded to) police calls on the Westside of Madison down? Granted, data from the police department...

Council Recap – Curfew (#102)

They really should have moved this item up on the agenda. They didn't get to it until after 10:00 . . . and...