Monona Grove Budget Reductions!

Monona Grove School District will be holding three meetings regarding the $1.2 million dollars in reductions that we need to make for the next...

Wisconsin Uprising – The Art Show!

Recently, Steve Nass and his spokesman got wind that the UW School for workers was putting on an art show. They then...

Is it working?

Recently, Monona Grove Elementary teacher Jeff Knudson was the "star" of an ad for Scott Walker. Mr. Knutson looked directly into the...

Why Teachers Need a Union –

Now that Act10 has been enacted making it next to impossible for teachers to bargain teachers are going to be left vulnerable. ...

Have Abacus Will Travel

I have written before of the the right wings veiled attempts to privatize public education. I have also pointed out that while they...

The Ghost of Public Education Future

I wrote about this subject recently, but want to expand a little more, on the topic (especially in lieu of the ongoing Madison...

The actual story – MGSD

Recently, the Keep scott walker in power campaign funded largely by out of state special interests, ran an ad where he used a...

Purge the Merge and other Village Business

The Village/Town of Cottage Grove merger talks merger talks have been put on hold. I have written before on the...

Hello McFly!

Recently Cottage Grove Village Trustee Micah Zielke went on a little rant about local participation in Government during his officer remarks. "I would like...

New Rule – part 2.

This should be a given, but here goes. New Rule - Staff from really bad politicians make really bad politicians! While there are...

New Rule

With Apologies to Bill Maher, I thought I would steal his famous segment. New Rule: You can't advocated...

Hydrite Meeting Tonight!

Hydrite Chemical is a company that has a location in Cottage Grove that many people are not even aware exists. With the...