
No. I didn't accuse anyone of any official misconduct, the Mayor's office did. Apparently, the Mayor thinks I should apologize...

Board of Estimates Re-cap

A bit of a preview of issues to come, some revealing of some issues that won't ever get talked about at the council ....

Wednesday’s wanderings.

Yesterday's blogging frenzy continues as there is so much to comment on. Today's topics are broccoli, trash cans, stalled Tenney Lapham Neighborhood plan...

Thursday’s Thoughts

Again, today, still much to blog about. So here's the schmorgasborg.(How often do you get to use that word?!)D'ANGELOThis whole D'Angelo thing is...

Hiring Problems: 4 in the last two years.

Did something go wrong in the hiring of Bill Clingan? Are there similarities to other hires I've been critical of? The answer...

This explains alot . . .

Check out the current City of Madison personnel rules . . .Yes, those are the current rules they are using. I was almost...