Council Budget

The Common Council budget has recently become the center of the little city hall controversy. Yes, someone made a serious blunder in not...

Upcoming City Budget

The Mayor briefed some alders on the budget yesterday at noon, and it seems there is some confusion. Yes, this is going to...

Delay the Firestation?

Did the Wisconsin State Journal actually say that? I guess the "basic services" message that they have been pounding away on has some...

Board of Estimates Re-cap

A bit of a preview of issues to come, some revealing of some issues that won't ever get talked about at the council ....

There’s Something Else Going On.

While the events of the last few days have been taking up most people's attention - and rightfully so - those of use on...

The Rest of the Boat Load – Operating Budget

The full council agenda, with all the attachments is here, but the summary of the 45 amendments is below:LOW INCOME HOUSING TAXESBudgeting for the...

My thoughts on this year’s Capital Budget

I said I'd do this last week . . . but alas . . . the best laid plans . . . sometimes "tomorrow"...

How Many Tasers Do We Need?

Q: How many Tasers do we need?A: Blah, blah, blah, blah. In short, I can't answer that right now.Q: Can...

What’s in the Capital Budget Boat Load?

Here's a quick summary of the Capital Budget, with several things the Wisconsin State Journal left out of their summary of the amendments -...

The Budget, Budget, Budget Week Ahead

Not many meetings beyond the three nights of budget . . . Monday, November 10, 20084:00 PM SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND ENERGY COMMITTEE ...

The Capital Budget Process

Maybe we'll pay more attention to it this year, since the years of warnings we have been giving are finally becoming a problem. ...

Important Metro Facts. Fares = 2.6% of Budget

Before you buy that the bus fares need to raised to $2, think about the facts below. And, I find it particularly ironic...