Last Business Meeting of the 2005 – 2007 Madison Common Council

I thought we were pretty squirrely at the last Council meeting, just last Tuesday. I wonder what tonight will hold?Last time, the agenda...

WYOU Bequeaths Runyon Tapes to UW Memorial Library

I'm really happy to see this happening . . . a truly Madison moment . . . WYOU Community Television to Bequeath David...

What is Wrong with Wisconsin?

Lobbyists have taken over. If there ever was a doubt, all you need to do is look at AT&T's recent victory. And...

Help Save WYOU

Here's a brief rundown on what you can do! Pledge week is come up March 1 through March 8. Please help save...

Don’t Forget! Donate to WYOU!

This is YOUR television station! If we want to continue to have the ability to have a television station that the public can...