The Big (little) Week Ahead

So, after the long weekend of fun-filled yet serious events such as Laborfest and the Allied Drive Rally among other things, the week is...

Allied: Now the hard work begins . . .

This morning, the Judge approved the City purchase of the Hauk properties. $4.35M.How are we ever going to decide what to do there?...

Allied and Affordable Housing

So, if we get the Hauk properties, the next question we have to face is what would we build on 8 acres of land...

And you thought I gave lobbyists a bad name . . .

Sometimes, they do it themselves! Consider the misleading statements made by Attorney Ron Trachtenberg in a recent letter to the City of Madison Mayor...

Screwing up on Allied Drive?

No, I'm not talking about the residents who live there, I'm talking about the City of Madison. So, we're probably going to bid...