Allied Drive – 50% Homeownership

Well, here we go, some of the issues I have raised about affordable housing on Allied Drive, the property the City bought there and...

Back to the drawing board . . .

Yesterday, we received news that the Supreme Court refused to hear our case on our Inclusionary Zoning appeal.So, the question remains, how are we...

We’re committed to Affordable Housing . . . kind of . . . .sort...

. . . if we don't need the money for anything else . . .Under the Mayor's plan for affordable housing ($300,000 per year),...

Affordable Housing . . . some day . . .

In 2002, then Alds. Todd Jarrell and Tom Powell worked very hard to pass an Affordable Housing Trust Fund. I'll admit, I was...

What’s Next for Affordable Housing?

I am one of the founding members of the Affordable Housing Action Alliance that formed in 1997. This group formed because housing issues had...

Ask a question . . . and let the chaos begin . ..

So, I asked a question in a private meeting the other day . . . and I've had people ask me the silliest questions...

SGM: Where are you?

More than 2 weeks ago, I sent this letter to Smart Growth Madison, Inc. So far . . . no official response. However, two...

Allied and Affordable Housing

So, if we get the Hauk properties, the next question we have to face is what would we build on 8 acres of land...

Downtown: Land of Luxury

Rob Zaleski's Cap Times article yesterday called Downtown Quickly Becoming a Land of Luxurywas one of those articles where you read the headline and...

Inclusionary Zoning – Just twisted

One thing I learned from inclusionary zoning is that the development community doesn't all think alike. In fact, often, two people from the same...

How the Realtors (and other groups?) want to gut the IZ ordinance

At noon today, Phil Salkin presented a plan to "amend" the inclusionary zoning ordinance for the City of Madison to the Mayor's workgroup. Phil...

Realtors work in good faith . . .

Not.You may have seen the recent article in the Isthmus about the Realtors take on inclusionary zoning, and here's another one in the Sunday...