Capital Budget Presentations – Public Health

This is a department that has to have their budget passed by both the city and the county.

Janel Heinrich says there are three items in the budget, it is $115,000 total. One is the a piece of lab equipment that automates the process for water sampling. Some computer replacement and a small amount of money to paint below the chair line at our East Washington office.

Moving if the Library Moves
Larry Palm asks about the East Washington facility and in 2017 you have a larger expenditure on that line item and they have been looking at relocating the library and he is wondering what her thoughts are on that. She says she would like to see their offices located where there is foot traffic and where their users are. She thinks being co-located with the library is good because they have services for the high risk moms. She has no decision that has been made, but she needs to always consider where the population is and make it work for the consumers.

Palm says if the library leaves it puts you in an awkward position, if you want to go with the library it puts you in an awkward position, so how does the funding aspect look for you, since the county, each of us argues that the other one has all the money. David says that they have a joint lease with the library, the city holds the lease and then we split the costs. The city rents the whole end the building. Heinrich says costs would be split.

Palm says that we are talking about several million dollars for a new library and that is not in your CIP and working wit the county that becomes more difficult. He wonders if the conversations have been had. Heinrich says that they are starting to have those conversations with both entities.

Mayor Paul Soglin asks about the library thinks it is better to own vs. renting. Have you done any analysis. Heinrich says not during her tenure. David says that there was talk of it several years ago but we were told we had no money and would get no money so it wasn’t worth talking about. Heinrich says from a practical perspective she likes the flexibility to make sure they are can meet their needs.

Mayor asks if you can shed the library and do the analysis to find out what the best location for the facility is. How much work would that be. Heinrich says they can do that, it is part of their planning.

Palm asks about the $6,000 for this year, is that important to you. She says they just want to clean it up and make it look inviting for the consumers and staff. It hasn’t been touched up in year.

Debt service
Palm asks about the debt service, if you bought a new building, is the debt service in the agency budget or the municipalitites. Heinrich says by the agency, it is split per the agreement. Palm asks if we would then give you money for operating. She says yes, it is split 55/45.

Shiva Bidar-Sielaff asks if the amounts they are approving are the total costs or if they are split and the amount is our share. Heinrich says it is our share.


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