Call Today to Support a National Housing Trust Fund

National Housing Trust Fund
Vote moved to next week. Please call NOW!
Take Action!

H.R. 4213, the American Jobs, Closing Tax Loopholes, and Preventing Outsourcing Act, which includes $1.065 billion for the National Housing Trust Fund, continues to face opposition in the Congress. Concerns about provisions unrelated to the National Housing Trust Fund have caused the House to delay a vote until next week.

It is critical that your Representative and Senators hear from you!

Please call your congressional delegation now and urge them to support passage of H.R. 4213 and ensure that money for the NHTF remains in the bill.

Call 877-210-5351, the toll-free number for the Congressional switchboard, and ask to be connected your Representative’s or Senator’s office. (To find your Members of Congress, click here.) Once connected, relay the following message:

Our community needs a National Housing Trust Fund to help build, rehabilitate and preserve housing for people with the lowest incomes. Please support H.R. 4213 when it comes up for a vote.

Please call your Representative and both your Senators.

Congressional offices can be reminded that the National Housing Trust Fund campaign hand-delivered its national sign-on letter urging immediate NHTF funding to every Senator and Representative during the week of May 10. The letter was signed by more than 2,250 organizations representing each of the 435 Congressional districts as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico — a scope that is considered unprecedented in federal housing advocacy!

In addition to funding for the National Housing Trust Fund, H.R. 4213 extends the LIHTC exchange program for one year, extends unemployment benefits and health insurance for people who are out of work, extends the TANF jobs and emergency fund, funds a summer youth program,  extends aid to stated for Medicaid, and numerous other provisions.

To see the NHTF sign-on letter and list of signatories, go to

Organizations can continue to sign the letter at

For a summary of H.R. 4213, click here.

We are closer than ever before, but we are not quite there. 

Call your delegation now!

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  1. Seriously, isn't that the thing that is severely frowned on when other people do it? Oh yeah, that's how you garner support!

  2. Not on work time . . . i.e. I don't get paid to advocate for anything except our funding. Anything else I do is my own volunteer time.

  3. Wow – it must be difficult to keep track of blog time vs. work time. You seem to be responding to my comments rather quickly. Oh, let me guess, you're not working right now. How convenient. You'd better get off your high horse before you fall down and hurt yourself.

  4. Ha, well, feel free to stop by an look at my timesheets, they are more complicated than you probably imagine. Most blog time is usually 5 am – 8:30 am (check the time on my posts many of which are covering meetings from the night before), sometimes it goes into work time, but my office is open 9 – 6 or 45 hours a week and then add in tabling, board meetings, events, community meetings and it quickly adds up to over 40 hours a week. Today is a 9 hour day, but I'm only counting 6 hours. Some days I work 4 hours, some I work 12, but the work all gets done as quick as it can.


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