Ask County Board Supervisors to Sign F-35 letter

I’ve heard of about 8 supervisors that are willing to sign on to the letter against F-35s. Other’s are predicting 15 of the 37. Will your county board supervisor sign the letter tonight?

This is from the Safe Skies, Clean Water coalition:

Contact county board members TODAY
Tell supervisors to sign the letter opposing the F-35s that Paul Rusk will be circulating Thursday 9/19, 7:00pm at their regular meeting. Richard thinks they have 15 of 37 who would sign, but maybe you can change some minds. Read the letter here. More info at if you need reasons.
Sign the Northside Planning Council petition
Not as urgent, but easy to do. There’s a link to the excellent NPC statement near the end of the description. Sign the petition here.
Share posts on the Safe Skies website
You can share any post at by clicking the Facebook, Twitter or Email icon at the bottom of the page. Lots of new media has been posted there if you’re interested, including one about contacting county board members, under Action.
Stay tuned for an exciting event coming up Monday!
As always, thank you for making things happen!
And this is from an Alert from Ameila Royko Maurer
Contact your supervisor and ask them to oppose the F-35s in Madison.
The Air Force’s environmental impact study on the presence of F-35s confirmed how problematic these planes will be for low income communities of Color living in the effected districts. The City did an analysis of the EIS which said the report underestimated the impacts on low-income households, children and people of color.  Those who want the planes are downplaying the noise, air and possible water pollution and very real possibility for the planes to carry nuclear weapons.  They are pretending like the city will be able to mitigate the noise pollution. the City has no role in mitigation, and homeowners wouldn’t sue the City for that.  They could sue the Airport, which does have some responsibility for mitigation, but the gutting of Federal laws around that in the 90’s made the Airport’s role voluntary, not compulsory. Plus, they cannot mitigate for parks and school yards. Home owners could sue for the city to pay for mitigation. Do you want to pay for that?
County Board Supervisor Paul Rusk has circulated a letter to the entire Dane County Board strongly opposing the F-35s in Madison. This letter will be submitted as part of the official public commentary period to the Air National Guard, which ends September 27th.


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