Are Lake View Hill Tickets REALLY Being Dropped?

Court dates for tomorrow have not been dropped, and no one is answering the question. I tried getting an answer but got the same thing I usually get when I email them. Nothing. I’m beginning to think that the emails I send go straight to the trash.

from: Brenda Konkel
“MacKenzie, Marcia” ,
marsh ,
cc: “Maria Powell (MEJO)”
date: Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 5:21 PM
subject: Tickets from Lake View Hill

We read in the paper and saw several emails that the County Executive sent out that said that the tickets from Sunday, November 18th for being in the park after 10pm were being dropped, however, when I called the clerk’s office today they said the they were still scheduled for Friday and I am curious:

1. Are the tickets being dropped? Do we need to show up to the court date?
2. If they are being dropped, can we get confirmation of that in writing?
3. If not, can you get me a list of people who got tickets so we can try to get them all to their court dates? (The clerk can’t provide it to us for some reason, but he could see about 14 people scheduled.)

Thank you very much!

Brenda K. Konkel

Several people who wrote to Parisi got this as a response and forwarded it to me.

Thank you for your email and I agree with your concern.

At my direction, Dane County Parks is waiving the citations issued to those camping on the grounds of Lake View Park Sunday night.

It is my hope those choosing to camp and taking advantage of a special permit authorized at Token Creek County Park will abide by park rules that we ask all our patrons to follow – – ensuring our network of parks can be enjoyed by everyone.

I also wanted to let you know that County Parks staff have helped the campers at Token Creek and provided them electricity, lighting (for security and visibility at night) a toilet, picnic tables, camp fire rings, and containers to dispose of trash.

Thank you again for your note and best wishes.

Joe Parisi
Dane County Executive

Well, that sounds good, but it hasn’t happened according to the clerk. Was it a lie? Did someone drop the ball? Why can’t they communicate with us? Do they realize the “transportation” provided to and from Token Creek won’t get people there on time for their court dates?


  1. UPDATE: They allegedly dropped 12 of the 14 tickets, I have no way to confirm that til I see the court calendar tomorrow, and they are refusing to give that info to me. Maria and I both have court dates at 10:00 tomorrow.


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