Another City Secret?

Ok, how the hell does this happen? Bids have already gone out for two-way Johnson and Gorham traffic study, a nearly $5M project! Staff have already interviewed the respondents.

Thanks to Alder Marsha Rummel for the heads up on this one . . . but again, how the hell does it happen even she is first finding out about it?

And why the hell am I hearing about it as a result of the Marquette Neighborhood Association meeting (other side of E Washington) instead of from the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Listserve or the James Madison Park Neighborhood Listserve, or the Capitol Neighborhoods Inc. Neighborhood listserve? (Well, I did eventually get it through the Capitol Neighborhoods Inc Executive Committee Listserve)

The bid went out June 1.

And, voila! Does this sound familiar.

Staff have interviewed consultants and will select one soon. The contract will go Council. If there are concerns with the scope of services please let me know.

Um, scope of services? Let you know after the bid has gone out and they’ve selected someone to do the work? Shouldn’t that have been done when the RFP went out?! What’s the point of giving input on the scope of services now that people have already responded to that scope of services?

And here’s another thing that is a bit disturbing given our recent experience . . .

Q: Who is selection committee?
A: City Staff, specific persons are not identified at this point

The obvious question is, does this “staff” committee contain elected officials? Or members of the business community? Or is that just an Economic Development Division/Office of Business Resources trick?

I hate what has happened to city hall, I wonder how long it will take to undo this veil of secrecy that Mayor Dave encouraged? This would have NEVER happened if I was alder if the staff had told me about it, but then again, they didn’t always tell me things if that was the orders from the top. This is huge, its not in the budget as far as I can tell and it has gone quite a ways down the road (har har – bad city type joke) without any public input at all. This sucks.

p.s. My apologies for swearing, I don’t usually do that in writing – I’m just a little shocked.


  1. Aside from the RFP issue… what is the benefit from going 2-way?

    Did the city have a study in the past that favored 1-way? And, if so, what has changed?

    Finally, how does this affect bicycle traffic and street parking?


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