Alders Seek Reimbursement for Inappropriate Use of Madison Metro Buses

By the Republican Senators . . .

Larry Palm, Shiva Bidar-Sielaff and Chris Schmidt will likely be joined by many others in asking for reimbursement from the state. In case you missed the original story, it is here.

Requesting the Metro Manager seek full reimbursement for the cost of providing special service to the State of Wisconsin and that the Metro Manager no longer provide services shuttling State of Wisconsin employees and officials other than members of the Capitol or University Police Department.

WHEREAS, on February 10, 2011 Governor Walker introduced a “Budget Repair Bill” which eliminated the option for public employees to collectively bargain with state, county, municipality and school boards; and,

WHEREAS, over the course of time tens of thousands of people from throughout Wisconsin came to the Wisconsin State Capitol to protest the “Budget Repair Bill” and the Governor’s subsequently introduced 2011-2013 state budget; and,

WHEREAS, fourteen Democratic Senators left the State of Wisconsin in protest and therefore quorum for a budget bill was unable to be reached; and,

WHEREAS, it took an order of the Court to continue to ensure that the Wisconsin State Capitol building was open and available to the public, especially during time that either the Senate or Assembly were in session; and,

WHEREAS,, Capitol Police under the direction of Chief Tubbs has requested the assistance of City of Madison Police and Metro Transit for support and transportation; and,

WHEREAS, Metro Transit is supported by federal transportation grants, City of Madison property tax payers and user fees; and,

WHEREAS, the Federal government has eliminated the rights to use Metro resources to support non-fixed routes such as Rhythm & Bloom and University of Wisconsin football games; and,

WHEREAS, Metro can continue to coordinate with Madison Police to use resources in times of extraordinary circumstances, such as keeping people warm in fires or transporting people stuck on the interstate during a substantial snow event; and,

WHEREAS, on March 9 Republican Senators removed the collective bargaining language from the “Budget Repair Bill” and subsequently held a meeting with limited public notice and access and after the meeting Republican Senators used a tunnel under West Main Street in the public right-of-way to flee the Capitol through the Risser Justice Building; and,

WHEREAS, Chief Tubbs requested a special bus to transport Senators from the Risser Justice Building to a location on the East side; and,

WHEREAS, we welcome all new users so that they may experience the conveniences of mass transit use; and,

WHEREAS, Metro cameras recorded the entire trip including the return trip which dropped off senators back at the Capitol; and,

WHEREAS, with at least two hours notice there was sufficient time for the Senators to arrange for private, contracted transportation away from the peaceful, though boisterous, protests; and,

WHEREAS, Capitol Police squad vehicles were on hand and could have provided suitable transport in the event of an emergency;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Madison Common Council requests the Metro Manager seek full reimbursement for the cost of providing this special service to the State of Wisconsin; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of Madison Common Council does not consider this an emergency situation that warranted the use of City resources given the availability of other private or state-owned resources that could have been used instead; and,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Metro Manager will no longer provide services shuttling State of Wisconsin employees and officials other than members of the Capitol or University Police Department.

Ok, who is doing the open records request for the video of what happened on the bus? And, can you imagine how much this has cost the City of Madison, and Dane County and eventually the state, if we all get paid back?


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