Metro: What its about!

Last night at the Transit and Parking Commission during the discussion about closing some bus stops, it was a very interesting struggle between serving the high ridership of the isthmus, or the perceived needs of people traveling through the isthmus.

Yesterday, I blogged about the potential closing of 6 bus stops on E Johnson and E Gorham, stops at Brearly on E Washington and 3 on Jenifer. Including some highly used stops.

I noted how this was just terrible timing – to close stops after wrapping the buses and raising the fares is leaving people feeling very dejected and wondering what will happen next. This is just the wrong message at the wrong time.

I also said that the efficiency gained was not worth the costs to the riders, especially those who are elderly or have a disability, or groceries, or kids. (Apparently this would save 30 seconds to two minutes so that people don’t miss their connections at the transfer points – theoretically.)

I noted concerns about the process. How will riders be notified and give input. What is the timing of this, etc. etc. Some had answers, some did not. I suspect it will be more clear in March.

Finally, I asked that they look at other options. I suggested express buses (since they bunch up anyways) and some suggested hop-scotching – by having buses stop at every other stop.

Ultimately, they delayed any action til next month to get more input. I’m not sure how that input will be obtained, but they will be discussing this again in March.

At the end of the meeting I think Carl, the chair of the TPC, summed it best when talking about why the stops should not be closed: “Its not about getting the buses where they need to go, its about getting the people where they need to go.”

Oh, right. The PEOPLE! Not the schedule and the bottom line and the “efficiency” however that might be defined. If the people won’t/can’t ride the bus because they don’t get what they need, what’s the point? That certainly won’t help the bottom line!

P.S. Thanks to the staff for suggesting the referral to get more info and for trying to get input!


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