45 Years of Fair Housing!

And yet, the top discrimination that occurs in Dane County is consistently based on race, disability and family status. We’ve come a long way, we have a long way to go!

Dear Friends,

As you may know, this year marks the 45th anniversary of the federal Fair Housing Act, a vital piece of federal legislation that protects us all from discrimination in housing based on factors such as race, disability, religion, national origin, presence of children in our households, and other characteristics. All year long, the Fair Housing Center has been engaged in an education and outreach campaign to commemorate this anniversary. We’ve reached out to students, community-based organizations, social service agencies and housing providers. This autumn, we’re making a concerted effort to develop partnerships with faith-based organizations and religious congregations. It is our hope that through these partnerships, we can learn from one another about our community’s fair housing needs and work together to promote inclusive neighborhoods.

If you belong to a group or congregation that would be interested a presentation and discussion about how illegal discrimination and segregation continue to affect all of us, please contact Laurel Bastian at 257-0853, or by email, at lbastian@fairhousingwisconsin.com. Together, we can fight for communities where everyone has a place at the table.

For more information about the Fair Housing Center and the issues we address, please visit www.fairhousingwisconsin.com or ‘like’ us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/FairHousingCouncil.

Thank you in advance for your interest,

Laurel Bastian
Program Services Coordinator
Fair Housing Center of Greater Madison

I just liked them on facebook – didn’t even know they had a page. They’ve been doing great work for years, but I’d like to see them do more in our community – if you have a group, ask them to come out and talk, so people get to know them!


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