3 hours, 40 people, ignored. Fork over more money.

Is this the CDA that promised that it was “more open than any other developer” and that it had the best interests of the community, not profit at heart? Well, clearly, money is not object, since it isn’t theirs. They can just go back to the bottomless well of the City taxpayer and pay for free land, and then pay for some more land. Pure lunacy. Levitan got this one right! Thanks Stu.

I wish I had been able to be at the meeting, and thank everyone who was able to show up. I’m really disappointed that the CDA didn’t listen to the wishes of the public and already had their minds made up. But I am not surprised. Also, if I understand the motion they made, I don’t think that HUD will approve our plan as they recommend. Unless Porchlight withdraws their legal claim to the land. Which I hope they don’t do – it would be foolish.

This should be an interesting discussion when they come to the Council. I hope they have a solid financial plan in place, because the Council will want to see how much money they are asking us for. With so many costly and somewhat risky plans already out there – Lakepoint, Allied, Villager, Truax, etc, I can’t see how the Council will approve yet another project that we don’t have available staff to work on (who’s paying for that staff?) and will cost us even more money.


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